Welcome to the Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte and day two of our Paris destination engagement session with Jessie and Shuning!
After a stunning country side drive about an hour south of Paris, we arrived at this magnificent Chateau! The view of the front entrance was so incredibly breath taking, we were all so thrilled about the day that was ahead of us- and it was only just the beginning. We spent a good couple of hours strolling through the chateau with our jaws dropped- pit stopping every now and then along the way to shoot. Each room had its own unique style and elegance which created the perfect setting for a unique engagement session!
After covering all of the locations possible inside- it was time to head out to the garden! (It was also time to get a golf cart!) The Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte was so incredibly massive, majestic, romantic and well manicured! We kept day dreaming about attending parties that were hosted there way back when… could you imagine?!
It was such a beautiful day casually strolling through the chateau that we pretended was our very own private palace, photographing such an incredibly sweet, fun and loving couple, Jessie & Shuning. Thank you again for taking us on such an amazing adventure! We absolutely love destination shoots and cant wait for the next one!